Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Station in Lumion

File linkhttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/39mbawbquff65xz/AABXJ0L6JKaSIA_92ZgIM2WAa?dl=0

Station model in 3d warehouse

Station model

Stairs, with light weight foot touching the ground, go up to the 'paradise'. Various orientations as well as size of stairs and platform indicate the multicultural students and staff, and somehow explore the interrelationship. Keep the main station structure pure white, simple and bold as the look to future.

(used pattern)


Developing design

Look to the future where could be paradise. Embrace different pace of life from multicultural students and staff.

(I've moved the station from the main entrance where the crossing is to the right of the entrance. If the vast station is in the middle of the main road and entrance of unsw, people may somehow feel depressed and it is like a barrier.)

 (refining detail)

Parallel projection

The ultimate goal of the architect is to create a paradise
&Celebrates the chance like nature of city life: ‘The city is an addictive machine from which there is no escape'

Create a sense of warmth and humanity as opposed to sheer function
&The unbuilt is the fantasy that underlies everything

Create a dynamic between the building and its natural surrounding
&Where space was considered permanent it now feels transitory – on its way to becoming